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The Southern Region
of the
National Black Law Students Association

City Lights

“Safeguarding our Past, Spotlighting our Present, and Securing our Future.”

The Southern Region
of the 
National Black Law Students Association


A Word From Our Chair

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Greetings Sophisticated Southern Region, I would like to officially introduce myself. My name is Kanika Liburd, and I am honored and appreciative to serve as your 53rd Southern Regional Chair of the National Black Law Students Association.


As we begin the 2023-2024 term, I would like to thank the SRBLSA 52nd Regional Board and the chapter leaders that made the previous year such a success. To the BLSA chapters in Kentucky, the Southern Region welcomes you home with open arms. We are ecstatic to have you join us as Sophisticated Southerners.


As Regional Chair, my goals are to uplift and empower the Pre-law and law students within our region, to promote environments of academic, professional, and financial success, and to create a community of culturally responsible black and minority attorneys. 


The past few years have been permeated with drastic changes within our community. We witnessed the groundbreaking achievements of Black women occupying spaces at the highest governmental levels of this country, while simultaneously observed our local governments pass laws that have not only substantially impacted our education, but also our identities. History is beginning to repeat itself and we are tasked, as the current leaders of our communities, to continue the legacy that our forefathers fought hard for centuries to attain and struggled for decades to maintain. This is why the theme for this year theme is:


“Safeguarding our Past, Spotlighting our Present, and Securing our Future.”


Currently, we are reaching a turning point in our timeline. This year's theme aims to propel us into the future, while taking with us the tools of the past and proudly displaying our actions along the way. The 53rd Regional Board invites you on this journey of introspection, education, and, most important, action. We cannot wait to offer a plethora of opportunities that will make you well-rounded law students and attorneys. We cordially invite you to join us on this quest.


With Peace and BLSA Love,​

Kanika Liburd, M.S.
Southern Regional Chair, 2023-2024
National Black Law Students Association


“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama


About Us

The Southern Region of the Black Law Students Association ("SRBLSA") is a regional affiliate of the National Black Law Students Association (“NBLSA”), a student-run, national organization formed to articulate and promote the needs and goals of Black law students. 

© 2023 by SRBLSA of NBLSA.

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